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Tulane University of Louisiana Return on Investment for a Degree

What Kind of ROI Should You Expect From Tulane University of Louisiana ?

Compare and review the expected return on investment on your Tulane degree, below.

Your Tulane Return on Investment

Use the estimated return on investment for Tulane University of Louisiana below to decide if attending Tulane is a smart financial decision for you.

Break Even In 4.5 Years at Tulane University of Louisiana

College is expensive and every year spent getting your degree is a year of lost wages and additional expenses. To determine when you will make up for the costs of college (your Return on Investment), we will look at the estimated cost of a degree and the average starting salary of graduates from Tulane University of Louisiana .

Average yearly cost$53,000
Average years to graduate4.1
Average starting salary$48,000
The average cost for a degree at Tulane University of Louisiana comes out to about $220,000 . If you make about $48,000 a year, it will take you 4.5 years following graduation to break even.

Additional Considerations

Major Specific Salary Information

Looking for a more specific return on investment estimate? Check out the salary you should expect based on your major at Tulane University of Louisiana

Catch a High School Graduate Within 18 Years of Graduating

To determine the year when you catch up, we need to factor in the average earnings of a high school graduate. To simplify things, we will assume that the high school graduate starts out earning their full average salary of $30,000 and lives at home for free, while you must pay for your living expenses during college. After college, we will assume that you both have the same expenses.

The earnings from an average graduate at Tulane University of Louisiana will surpass those of a high school graduate in 18 years.

For a more detailed and accurate look at early/mid-career earnings see the chart below.

This chart includes both starting and mid-career salaries for graduates from Tulane University of Louisiana . Data for high school earnings comes from the 2012 U.S. Census

Additional Considerations:

  • Want an extra $17,000 a year? According to the U.S. Department of Education. In 2012, the nationwide average salary for young adults with a bachelor's degree was about $47,000, while only $30,000 for those with a high school diploma.

    Over 30 Years, a Degree at Tulane University of Louisiana is Worth $1,493,000

    Setting aside the time value of money, after 30 years, an undergraduate degree from Tulane University of Louisiana is worth about $1,493,000 more than what it would cost you.

    Your total earnings of $1,713,000 from your initial investment in tuition, fees and other expenses of about $220,000 gives you an annualized return of

    If instead of going to college, you put that initial investment into Treasury Bills for 30 years at 5% you would have about $950,840

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