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Sam Houston State University #3 for Veterans in Texas

Sam Houston State University is the #3 best for veterans in College Factual's 2021 Best Colleges for Veterans in Texas ranking.

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Sam Houston State University #3 for Veterans in Texas in 2021 College Factual Ranking

Huntsville, TX. For immediate release.

Sam Houston State University is considered one of the best schools for veterans according to College Factual's recent rankings.

In College Factual’s most recent rankings for veterans, SHSU came in at #72 out of a total 2,104 schools analyzed. This puts it in the top 5% of the country for veterans and active-duty military.

The school improved its ranking position by 50 slots over last year’s ranking of 122.

SHSU earned this ranking by offering quality and affordable education to veterans.

View the Best Colleges for Veterans Ranking.

State Veteran Rankings

SHSU has been ranked #3 in Texas by College Factual in their latest Best Colleges for Veterans in Texas ranking. This is out of 99 colleges in the state that offer four-year degrees.

This puts SHSU in the top 5% for the state for veterans.

The school improved its ranking position by 6 slots over last year’s ranking of 9.

See the full ranking of Best Colleges for Veterans in Texas.

About SHSU

Sam Houston State University is a public instituiton located in Huntsville, Texas and serves approximately 21,213 students. The highest degree SHSU offers is a Doctor's degree.

There are approximately 1,026 GI Bill® students at the school, of which 648 are Post-9/11 GI Bill® recipients.

More About SHSU.

About College Factual

College Factual's mission is to help all students find a college and career they love, so they can enjoy their education and graduate with less debt and an exciting plan for their future. Located in Troy, NY, College Factual makes use of public and private data sources to publish thousands of unique data insights on every college and university in the United States.

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How The Top Schools for Veterans Were Determined

College Factual's Best Colleges for Veterans ranking was designed to help veterans and active-duty military the best decision possible on where to invest their time and money to best meet their education and career goals. The rankings are based on objective data and focused on student outcomes.

Read the Ranking Methodology


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