The following is a list of online Southwest Non-Professional General Legal Studies universities and colleges ranked in order of popularity. Uncover what makes the schools so popular by clicking on them to visit their pages.
To learn more about how the schools below were selected, visit the most popular colleges ranking methodology page.
National Paralegal College is one of the best schools in the country for Non-Professional General Legal Studies. Legal studies is one of the most popular majors at National Paralegal College with more than 62 graduates in 2019. Phoenix, Arizona is an ideal area for young people who enjoy the active city life.
54.0% of students at this school get educational funding, so don't forget to complete the FAFSA! For graduates who want to carry on following their bachelor's degree, this school has graduate programs available. Get all the essential details on National Paralegal College by checking out their scorecard.
Arizona State University - Skysong is among your best bets if you want to study Non-Professional General Legal Studies. The location in a major urban center is tremendous for young people seeking out considerable opportunities for social networking, adventure, and life.
About 91.0% of the instructors at ASU - Skysong are full time, which means they should have plenty of time to give attention to students in their class. Because of a commitment to high educational standards and an annual price of $22,395, Arizona State University - Skysong is an excellent bang for your buck. Ever wish you had an effective way to see a college's grades in every subject? Now you do. Have a look at Arizona State University - Skysong's scorecard.
Central New Mexico Community College is a great option for individuals interested in a Non-Professional General Legal Studies major. This school is located in , .
There is a grad program accessible for students who are curious. First-year students are not required to live on-campus at . Ever wish you had a simple way to determine a college's grades in every subject? Now you do. Check out 's scorecard.
Northeastern State University is a great option for students pursuing a Non-Professional General Legal Studies degree. Students who enjoy a more slow-paced life will appreciate Northeastern State University's location in the small town of Tahlequah, Oklahoma.
Each year, approximately 57.0% first-year students receive scholarships, with the average award being $4,499. If on-campus safety is important to you, you'll be glad to find out that Northeastern State University has a low crime rate. Watch some school videos to explore what being on campus is like.