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2021 Most Popular Online Science Technologies/Technicians (Other) Schools in the Southwest Region

Online Science Technologies/Technicians (Other) Schools in the Southwest Region Ranked by Popularity

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Below is a list of online Southwest Science Technologies/Technicians (Other) programs ranked in order of popularity. Look at the pages of the schools below to discover what makes them so popular.

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Any student who is interested in Science Technologies/Technicians (Other) has to check out University of Arizona. Based in Tucson, Arizona, this university is best suited for learners who prosper in an urban atmosphere.

The student body at this school is really diverse and welcomes undergraduates from across 50 states and territories and at least 47 countries. Each year, somewhere around 74.0% first-year students get scholarships, with the typical award being $7,521. Watch some school videos to explore what being on campus is like.

Every student pursuing a degree in Science Technologies/Technicians (Other) has to check out Arizona State University - Skysong. The location in a major urban center is tremendous for young people seeking out considerable opportunities for social networking, adventure, and life.

About 91.0% of the instructors at ASU - Skysong are full time, which means they should have plenty of time to give attention to students in their class. Because of a commitment to high educational standards and an annual price of $22,395, Arizona State University - Skysong is an excellent bang for your buck. Ever wish you had an effective way to see a college's grades in every subject? Now you do. Have a look at Arizona State University - Skysong's scorecard.

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