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Chamberlain - Nevada Tuition & Fees Report

Expensive In-State Tuition & Fees
Average Out-of-State Tuition & Fees

How Much Does Chamberlain University - Nevada Cost?

See current and projected tuition and fees for Chamberlain University - Nevada, and how those expenses constrast to nationwide and regional averages. If you're looking for specific information on Chamberlain - Nevada costs, you can go to any of the following sections:

How Much Does Chamberlain - Nevada Charge for Tuition?

$19,820 In-State Tuition & Fees
$19,820 Out-of-State Tuition & Fees

Combined tuition and fees at Chamberlain University - Nevada for the 2020-2021 academic year was $19,820 for undergraduates. There was no discount for in-state students.

Tuition & Fees$18,900$920$19,820

Chamberlain - Nevada tuition and fees is for one year of attendance, not including room and board.

Keep in mind a lot of students have financial aid and scholarships that decrease the cost of college.

How much does Chamberlain University - Nevada cost for part-time students?

Go to the Cost Per Credit Hour page for details.

How Do Chamberlain - Nevada Tuition & Fees Compare to Other Schools?

Nationwide, out-of-state students pay, on average, $19,933 per year in tuition and fees to attend college. The yearly tuition and fees for out-of-state undergrads at Chamberlain University - Nevada is $19,820, making it relatively average when compared to the countrywide figure. In-state students pay the same as out-of state ones at Chamberlain - Nevada.

If you want to know how Chamberlain - Nevada compares to other schools in the nation, in the region, and in the state, see the chart below.

NationwideFar Western USNevada
Tuition & FeesAverageAverageExpensive

Note that a school may appear to be more expensive than another school when you look at tuition and fees alone, but it may actually be a better deal when you factor in financial aid packages. For more details on that, see: Chamberlain University - Nevada Financial Aid.

Chamberlain - Nevada Tuition & Fees Five Year Projection

1.01% Tuition Increase
1.52% Fee Increase
$82,872 Est. 4-Year Cost

Chamberlain - Nevada tuition and fees have grown about 1.04% annually for the past five years. The tuition increased by 1.01%, and fees by 1.52%. If costs keep growing at the same rate students will be charged $20,399 this school year.

At this rate, we estimate the total cost of tuition and fees for two years at Chamberlain - Nevada to be $41,009, and $82,872 for four years.

This doesn't include other costs such as room and board, transportation or books.

The following chart shows projected upcoming tuition and fees for undergraduates at Chamberlain - Nevada.


Factor Cost Increases Into Your Budget

Take note of just how much the tuition and fees are increasing yearlyl. At a log of colleges students will end up paying more for their final year of school than they did for their first.

Tuition & Fees FAQ

Discover answers to your finance concerns in the tuition & fees FAQ.

Options to Finance Your Chamberlain - Nevada Education?


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