Make the right college choice for you by understanding the true cost of college. Get started by understanding just how much you will be paying every year for room, board, and other living expenses.
On this page you will find:
In 2021, Columbia Theological Seminary students spent $4,653 for housing and $5,236 for the meal plan.
Look at Columbia Theological Seminary expected expenses for dining, on-campus housing and other expenses in the following table.
Expense | On Campus |
Room and Board | $0 |
— Housing | $4,653 |
— Meals | $5,236 |
Total | $0 |
Sad to say, we couldn't present the four-year estimated costs of room and board at Columbia Theological Seminary.
Deal alert! The on-campus expenses at Columbia Theological Seminary are quite affordable at $0 for each student. This is below the U.S. average of $15,282.
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