College Factual set out to determine if Millikin is asking a fair price for the quality of education they provide. Keep reading for the detailed value report.
Millikin University is ranked #1,933 out of 2,223 for value nationwide.
Based on our analysis of other colleges at similar price points, we believe Millikin University is overpriced for the quality education it provides. (This takes into account average financial aid and may not apply to you if you have further scholarships, grant or aid provided to you.)
School | Total Price | Value Grade |
*Total price is determined by multiplying average annual cost by time to graduate.
The average Millikin student's degree will cost an estimated $139,739. This is based on an average price (with and without aid) of $33,672 and a typical 4.15 years to graduate.
Amount | |
Average Yearly Cost | $33,672 |
Average Years to Graduate | 4.15 |
Estimated Avg Total Cost of Degree | $139,739 |
Depending on your personal circumstances, your net price may be well below the average Millikin net price, which could make this school a better value. You may quality for more financial aid, or be able to complete your degree faster than average. Get more details on Millikin cost.
The overall price of a college can vary depending on your individual circumstances.
Look at the table below to determine your likely cost of a bachelor's degree at Millikin.
Nationwide Value by Aid Group | Avg Degree Cost | Value Rank | Value Grade |
Students with no Aid | $227,843 | #0 | F |
All Students | $139,739 | #1,933 | F |
Only Students Receiving Aid | $131,024 | #1,557 | D |
In-State Value by Aid Group | Avg Degree Cost | Value Rank | Value Grade |
Students with no Aid | $227,843 | # | F |
All Students | $139,739 | # | F |
Only Students Receiving Aid | $131,024 | # | F |
Note: the Value Grade for in-state students is calculated by looking only at other schools in the state of Illinois.
About 100% of Millikin students receive financial aid. Get more details on what Millikin financial aid you may qualify for.
College Factual calculates average total cost by multiplying net price by time to graduation. We then compare the average total cost to other schools of a similar quality to determine value. If the school is priced fairly based on the educational quality it receives a fair ranking. If it is underpriced it receives a good or excellent value.
Read the full Best for the Money Ranking Methodology.
College Factual's Best for the Money Ranking Methodology.