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2023 Athletic Training Degree Guide

Athletic Training Degrees Decreasing

#187 Most Popular Major
3.8k Degrees Awarded
-18.6% Increase in Graduates

In 2020-2021, athletic training was the 187th most popular major nationwide with 3,767 degrees awarded. This represents a 18.6% reduction in athletic trainer degrees awarded over the prior year's total of 4,467.

This year's Best Athletic Training Schools ranking compares 286 of them to identify the best overall programs in the country. Explore this or one of our many other custom athletic trainer rankings further below.

2023 Best Colleges for Athletic Training
2023 Overall Best Athletic Training Colleges >

Best Athletic Training Schools by Degree

Associate Degrees in Athletic Training
Bachelor's Degrees in Athletic Training
Master's Degrees in Athletic Training
Doctorate Degrees in Athletic Training

Requirements for Getting a Degree in Athletic Training

Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times has been highlighted as one of the most essential skills for careers related to athletic trainer. Required skills include using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems and monitoring/assessing performance of yourself, other individuals, or organizations to make improvements or take corrective action.

Prior Education for an Athletic Trainer Program

athletic training degree applicants generally need have finished high school or their GED. Many schools may also have GPA and SAT/ACT score minimums that must be met. Once you obtain your degree, additional athletic trainer certifications required to pursue a career in this field.

Types of Athletic Training Degrees

Athletic Trainer degree levels vary. Athletic Training programs offered by schools range from a to a , which is the highest athletic trainer degree you can get. Different athletic training degrees vary in how long they take.

Degree Credit Requirements Typical Program Length
Associate Degree 60-70 credits 2 years
Bachelor’s Degree 120 credits 4 years
Master’s Degree 50-70 credits 1-3 years
Doctorate Program required coursework including thesis or dissertation At least 4 years

A master's degree is the most common level of education achieved by those in careers related to athletic trainer, with approximately 71.7% of workers getting one. See the the most common levels of education for athletic trainer workers below.

Level of Education Percentage of Workers
Master’s Degree 70.1%
Bachelor’s Degree 23.9%
First Professional Degree 3.7%

About 75.5% of workers in careers related to athletic trainer obtain at least master's degrees. View the chart below to get an idea of what degree level most of those in athletic training careers have.


This of course varies depending on which athletic trainer career you choose.

Career Opportunities for A Degree In Athletic Trainer Graduate

Below Average Number of Jobs
49.3k Avg. Related Jobs Salary
23% Growth Job Outlook 2016-26

High Growth Projected for Athletic Trainer Careers

Want a job when you graduate with your athletic trainer degree? Athletic Training careers are expected to grow 22.7% between 2016 and 2026.

The following options are some of the most in-demand careers related to athletic training.

Occupation Name Projected Jobs Expected Growth
Athletic Trainers 34,100 22.7%

How Much Money Do Athletic Trainer Grads Make?

As you might expect, salaries for athletic trainer graduates vary depending on the level of education that was acquired.

Highest Paid Athletic Trainer Careers

Salaries for athletic training graduates can vary widely by the occupation you choose as well. The following table shows the top highest paying careers athletic trainer grads often go into.

Occupation Name Median Average Salary
Athletic Trainers $49,280

Getting Your Athletic Training Degree

With over 571 different athletic trainer degree programs to choose from, finding the best fit for you can be a challenge. Fortunately you have come to the right place. We have analyzed all of these schools to come up with hundreds of unbiased athletic trainer school rankings to help you with this.

Study Areas in Athletic Training

Athletic Training is one of 21 different types of Allied Health Professions programs to choose from.

Related Major Annual Graduates
Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Paramedic) 26,641
Physician Assistant 11,351
Radiologic Technology 9,790
Surgical Technology 7,583
Respiratory Care Therapy 6,845

View All Athletic Trainer Related Majors >


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