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2022 Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Degree Guide

Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Degrees Shrinking in Popularity

220 Degrees Awarded
-21.8% Increase in Graduates
239 Schools Offering Degrees

This 48 less than the prior year, a decrease of 21.8%.

Explore this or one of our many other custom renal/dialysis technologist/technician rankings further below.

Best Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Schools by Degree

What Are The Requirements For a Degree in Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician

Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Degree Program Entry Requirements

A high school diploma or equivalent is typically required for most renal/dialysis technologist/technician degree programs and many students will need a minimum GPA and SAT/ACT score depending on the school. In addition to these basic renal/dialysis technologist/technician program qualifications, to serve in some renal/dialysis technologist/technician careers, special certification may be required outside of your degree.

Types of Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Degrees

Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician degree levels vary. You can get anything from a in renal/dialysis technologist/technician to the highest renal/dialysis technologist/technician degree, a . The time it takes to complete a renal/dialysis technologist/technician degree varies depending on the program.

Degree Credit Requirements Typical Program Length
Associate Degree 60-70 credits 2 years
Bachelor’s Degree 120 credits 4 years
Master’s Degree 50-70 credits 1-3 years
Doctorate Program required coursework including thesis or dissertation At least 4 years

Career Opportunities for Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Majors

Average Number of Jobs
47.5k Avg. Related Jobs Salary
20% Growth Job Outlook 2016-26

High Growth Projected for Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Careers

Want a job when you graduate with your renal/dialysis technologist/technician degree? Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician careers are expected to grow 19.6% between 2016 and 2026.

The following options are some of the most in-demand careers related to renal/dialysis technologist/technician.

Occupation Name Projected Jobs Expected Growth
Health Technologists and Technicians 152,900 19.6%

Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Degree Salary Potential

As you might expect, salaries for renal/dialysis technologist/technician graduates vary depending on the level of education that was acquired.

Highest Paid Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Careers

Salaries for renal/dialysis technologist/technician graduates can vary widely by the occupation you choose as well. The following table shows the top highest paying careers renal/dialysis technologist/technician grads often go into.

Occupation Name Median Average Salary
Health Technologists and Technicians $47,450

Getting Your Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Degree

With over 31 different renal/dialysis technologist/technician degree programs to choose from, finding the best fit for you can be a challenge. Fortunately you have come to the right place. We have analyzed all of these schools to come up with hundreds of unbiased renal/dialysis technologist/technician school rankings to help you with this.

One of 12 majors within the Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science area of study, Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician has other similar majors worth exploring.

Related Major Annual Graduates
Phlebotomy Technician/Phlebotomist 7,599
Laboratory Technician 4,185
Laboratory Sciences & Medical Technology 3,912
Sterile Processing Technology/Technician 1,108
Other Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science and Allied Professions 982

View All Renal/Dialysis Technologist/Technician Related Majors >


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