Make a good college choice for yourself by understanding the true cost of college. Begin by being familiar with just how much you will be paying a year for room, board, and other living expenses.
On this page you will find:
Understand what the prices at New York College of Podiatric Medicine will be for on-campus housing and other charges by checking out the next table.
Expense | On Campus |
Room and Board | $0 |
— Housing | $15,000 |
Total | $15,000 |
We were not able to get the details in order to assess the four-year cost of living on campus at The First Institute of Podiatry.
On-campus students attending New York College of Podiatric Medicine spend $0 on room, board, books, supplies and other expenses, a figure that's well below the U.S average of $15,282.
More about our data sources and methodologies.